Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Arezzi, Guida
Soares, Emily
Walker, Nicholas
Li, Xiao Ling (Susanna)
Lee, Fiona

Postal Presents

When the product is taken from the envelop, it looks like this:

This product – pencil vase (BUTTER~OWER) is designed for children between 6 to 12 years old.

From a child’s eye, things with a shape like butterfly, flowers are so elegant, so I decided to use butterfly as the main shape for my product and when you look at the pencil vase from a distance, you may surprisingly find it like a flower.

The materials chose for this product are polypropylene and foam, considering these two materials have low cost and cannot injure a child easily. Other material, mental may seems more serious for children. Wood is more traditional. And I just considered that plastic is the main material used for toys, so as foam. Children may get familiar with these two kinds of materials. They can regard the pencil vase as a toy. This can really add fun in their use of this product.

Bright colors chose for children. The foam has two layers with two different colors, so children can choose the color according to their favor.

The way to set the pencil vase is easy. It can be concluded to put the foam between two plastic pieces, just like the way to make a sandwich, then assemble all the ‘sandwiches’ together. Don’t you think it will be interesting for children?

Friday, September 18, 2009


Ross Lovegrove's lecture is mainly about 'how form can touch people's souls and emotions' and all the products he made were always focus on his concept ‘DNA’ which is an abbreviation of ‘Design, Nature and Art’. His organic design get inspiration from nature and explore the forms and shapes of natural things. As he talked in the video‘nature improves with ever greater purposes.’

With seeing most of the products which have modern shapes in our lives. Ross Lovegrove’s concept of ‘DNA’, ‘fat-free design’ and ‘healthy products’ remind me our distance from nature is getting far and far. We always trying to pursue perfection, but when we go back to the nature, we may find some really beautiful things are just around us and some artificial things which are considered beautiful before may seem silly at that time.

Having a look at of what Ross Lovegrove produced, I was amazed by his products which are so natural, so fresh. His use of different organic shapes can really change a normal product. The examples he showed to us: supernatural – chair, 'ty nant waterbottle' for ty nant, the concept of water drop car, car on the stick, the table which can grow legs out of surface, biolove’ bicycle for biomega and DNA staircase' really prove that orgnic shapes and materials can really add elegance to a product. Just as what he said to us ‘morden materials allowed to do morden products’ and ‘how form can touch people’s souls and emotions’.

'ty nant waterbottle' for ty nant, 1999-2001

'car on a stick' by ross lovegrove, 2008
detail of ‘DNA staircase'

‘supernatural - chair.’ for moroso, 2005

imagies from: http://images.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.designboom.com/eng/interview/lovegrove/dbportrait.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.designboom.com/eng/interview/lovegrove.html&usg=__lX3c4V-kleVWaOHWo9PA2o6896Q=&h=305&w=401&sz=13&hl=en&start=11&um=1&tbnid=U06riRHQvDVUIM:&tbnh=94&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dross%2Blovegrove%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


I bought myself this alarm clock several months ago. I thought I just need an alarm clock which can tell me time and wake me up, so I chose this simple and cheap alarm clock at the end.

Actually, after using it for several days, I realize it is quite inconvenient. Just look at its switch. I can use this switch to turn on or turn of the alarm. It is at the back of the clock and so tinny. Every morning, when the alarm rings, try to find the switch to turn the alarm off really drive me crazy. You know, people are always unconscious when they are suddenly waked up by the alarm clock. The normal way is to turn off the alarm quickly, go on sleep for several seconds, then get up. But this alarm clock can really become a headache. I have no idea to turn off the alarm quickly. I always grab it in front of my, trying to find this tinny switch. This can take me several minutes.

And the position of its battery is also strange. We get used to put the battery on the bottom of an object. But for this clock, the battery is on the top. And there is only a narrow raised thing to open the cover of the battery. Can you imagine when you have no idea to turn off the alarm; you also have no idea to take the battery out.

In addition, the words on the back of the clock are transparent. I always need to have a very close look to distinguish which button is for changing time and which button is for changing the alarm time. I also get very confused why the clock needs a cover…

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


My target market is female between 20 to 30 years old, who lose their fun of their traditional chop boards.

'CHOP-CHOP' is a product which can be considered more functional than the traditional chop boards. It has four separate legs. Each of them has a magnet inside. I just find that we have magnets which can hold maximum 8kg in the market. That is enough for a chop board. I choose to make it have a large hole on the right, this hole is used to push your chop things into a bowl or dish under it. A screen is used to change the width of the hole which can fit your bowl or dish. You can cut maximum two things at one time. Just chop it then push it. It is quite convenient. When finished cutting, you can put a knife shelf above the hole, then put your knives through the given sew, just as the pictures show. The knife shelves most people use today are not convenient for put our wet knives in immediately. Water left in the shelf can damage the wood; it is also not good for your health with using this kind of knife shelves for a long time. ‘ CHOP-CHOP’ knife shelf enlarges the touching area of the air, which can dry your knife quicker. The water will not remain in the shelf. You can put a tray under your knife, then the water will remain in the tray.

Build up your chop board by yourself can really add fun to your boring cutting process.

Also, as more and more plastic used in nowadays products. The almost totally wood used product can recall your feeling of close to the nature. Wood material is also a kind of environment protect material.



● Feel close to the nature
● Multi-functional
● Easy to set, easy to clean

● Talking point
● Indicates a special life style

● Fun to disconnect chop board
● Convenient to use
● Satisfy this unique and special design

● Environmental protection
● A good helper in your life, you will much more like cooking